Dear young and old, dear old and young patients!
Here you will find information about our team, our range of services, my treatment philosophy and the premises of my practice.
Dr. Irene Bennecke, dentist in Berlin (Dahlem)
Modern dentistry
Our treatment concept covers the entire spectrum of modern dentistry. From prophylaxis and periodontitis treatment to high-quality dentures and complete dental restoration. In addition to these services, I have specialized in the treatment of jaw pain and the often associated dysregulation of jaw function (CMD, craniomandibular dysfunction). The clinical treatment experience comes from my time at the specialist center in Örebro/Sweden.
Of course, the information on this website cannot replace a detailed consultation. Therefore, I would like to welcome you personally so that we can discuss your wishes and concerns in an individual consultation. You can make an appointment at the practice by calling 030 – 887 166 50. The entire team looks forward to your visit and will be happy to help you.

Dr. Irene Bennecke
Dentist in Berlin (Dahlem)